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Problems and Solutions
S. Lukina
The effectiveness of the enterprises’ technological modernization Considers the main problems, encountered in the process of companies‘ industrial transformation. It demonstrates predictive assessing methodology of the transformation effectiveness and reachable goals based on hierarchy and distribution of modern business structures. Describes the modern approach to risk management as an effective tool in managing the operations and minimizing the losses in the implementation of technological modernization of enterprises.
The effectiveness of the enterprises’ technological modernization Considers the main problems, encountered in the process of companies‘ industrial transformation. It demonstrates predictive assessing methodology of the transformation effectiveness and reachable goals based on hierarchy and distribution of modern business structures. Describes the modern approach to risk management as an effective tool in managing the operations and minimizing the losses in the implementation of technological modernization of enterprises.
Tags: conversion efficiency hierarchical business structure industrial enterprise transformation risk management technological engineering иерархичные бизнесструктуры производственное преобразование предприятий рискменеджмент технологический инжиниринг эффективность преобразований
K. Zmieva, E. Dolzhikova
Energy saving and improving of energy efficiency in industry — the key mechanism to reduction of the Russia`s GDP energy intensity The promising directions in the development of technologies and means of improving energy efficiency in industrial production described.
Energy saving and improving of energy efficiency in industry — the key mechanism to reduction of the Russia`s GDP energy intensity The promising directions in the development of technologies and means of improving energy efficiency in industrial production described.
Tags: energy energy resources saving industrial production промышленное производство экономия энергоресурсов энергосбережение
A. Maslov, L. Hayet
Structure of system safety of vital functions Describes the morphological approach to the structure of safety of vital functions, performed analysis and synthesis of security structures with consideration of the object and its environment, lists sources of danger based on formalized approach.
Structure of system safety of vital functions Describes the morphological approach to the structure of safety of vital functions, performed analysis and synthesis of security structures with consideration of the object and its environment, lists sources of danger based on formalized approach.
Tags: morphological synthesis safety of vital functions sources of danger structure of safety безопасность жизнедеятельности источники опасности морфологический анализ морфологический синтез структура безопасности
Materials Machine Tools
A. Kuznetsov
Localization of the russian machine tool industry is a factor to achieve technological independence. Methodological aspects of the problem Considers the problems of indepth assessment of the level of import application (import substitution) in the Russian machinetool industry in terms of achieving technological independence. It provides methodology for evaluating of the level of production localization, reviews the basic indicators for assessing the degree and level of localization. It shows that this approach can be effectively applied in making optimal management decisions.
Localization of the russian machine tool industry is a factor to achieve technological independence. Methodological aspects of the problem Considers the problems of indepth assessment of the level of import application (import substitution) in the Russian machinetool industry in terms of achieving technological independence. It provides methodology for evaluating of the level of production localization, reviews the basic indicators for assessing the degree and level of localization. It shows that this approach can be effectively applied in making optimal management decisions.
Tags: import application (import substitution) labor intensity localization efficiency the level and degree of production localization импортоприменение (импортозамещение) технологическая независимость трудоемкость уровень и степень локализации производства эффективность локализации
Materials processing technologies
A. Meshkas, V. Makarov, V. Shirinkin
Problems and ways of solutions of composite materials machining at engineering enterprise Describes main features that arise when machining (drilling, cutting, turning, milling) polymer composite materials in the special mechanical engineering, as well as modern ways of their solutions to improve the effectiveness of composite materials treatment.
Problems and ways of solutions of composite materials machining at engineering enterprise Describes main features that arise when machining (drilling, cutting, turning, milling) polymer composite materials in the special mechanical engineering, as well as modern ways of their solutions to improve the effectiveness of composite materials treatment.
Tags: cutting defects drilling polymer composite materials quality turning дефекты качество полимерные композиционные материалы разрезка сверление точение
E. Zaharevich, M. Shavva, V. Lapshin, S. Gruby
Ultra precision diamond processing of brittle materials in thickness nanometer range of cutting layer The article presents the results of experimental studies on ultra precising processing of brittle materials (potassium dihydrogen phosphate, single crystal quartz, quartz glass, glassceramic, sapphire, germanium) with diamond blade singlecrystal abrasive tools. It presents treatment regimens in which the roughness of optical grade of the machined surfaces is achieved.
Ultra precision diamond processing of brittle materials in thickness nanometer range of cutting layer The article presents the results of experimental studies on ultra precising processing of brittle materials (potassium dihydrogen phosphate, single crystal quartz, quartz glass, glassceramic, sapphire, germanium) with diamond blade singlecrystal abrasive tools. It presents treatment regimens in which the roughness of optical grade of the machined surfaces is achieved.
Tags: grinding optical materials quasi plasticity surface roughness of the optical grade ultra precising equipment квазипластичность оптические материалы ультрапрецизионное оборудование шероховатость поверхности оптического класса шлифование
Tools and Tool Systems
V. Balkov, V. Borovsky, L. Kamenetsky, E. Neginsky
Comparative evaluation of design concepts of precast threading tools using the environment of finite element calculation «TFLEX analysis» Presents the method evaluating design concept of precast carbide threading tools using the tools provided by the software system for finite element modeling «TFLEX Analysis». It describes the experience of using software products of «Top Systems» JSC in the design of complex assembly cutting tool. With the help of software system one can make a comparison of methods of fastening the cutting elements in the modular tool housing.
Comparative evaluation of design concepts of precast threading tools using the environment of finite element calculation «TFLEX analysis» Presents the method evaluating design concept of precast carbide threading tools using the tools provided by the software system for finite element modeling «TFLEX Analysis». It describes the experience of using software products of «Top Systems» JSC in the design of complex assembly cutting tool. With the help of software system one can make a comparison of methods of fastening the cutting elements in the modular tool housing.
Tags: finite element analysis planetary thread milling precast carbide threading tools t-flex конечно-элементный анализ планетарное резьбофрезерование сборный твердосплавный резьбообразующий инструмент
Robotics and Mechatronics
A. Konyukhovskaya
Industrial robotics market in Russia and the world The world market for industrial robots shows the highest growth rate. Which regions and countries are the world market leaders? Which industries show the greatest demand? At what level is the development of the Russian market of industrial robotics? What are the limits of the Russian market? Answers to all these questions are presented in this article.
Industrial robotics market in Russia and the world The world market for industrial robots shows the highest growth rate. Which regions and countries are the world market leaders? Which industries show the greatest demand? At what level is the development of the Russian market of industrial robotics? What are the limits of the Russian market? Answers to all these questions are presented in this article.
Tags: a density of industrial robots industrial robotics показатель плотности промышленных роботов промышленная робототехника
V. Glazunov, A. Aleshin, N. Kovaleva, S. Skvortsov, G. Rashoyan
Prospects for the development of parallel structure mechanisms Describes application of different parallel structure mechanisms (parallel mechanisms), synthesized in the A.A. Blagonravov Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS IMASH). Mechanisms have a different number of degrees of freedom and a different number of connecting kinematic chains. They are intended for various technical applications.
Prospects for the development of parallel structure mechanisms Describes application of different parallel structure mechanisms (parallel mechanisms), synthesized in the A.A. Blagonravov Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS IMASH). Mechanisms have a different number of degrees of freedom and a different number of connecting kinematic chains. They are intended for various technical applications.
Tags: manipulators parallel structure mechanisms simulators technological robots манипуляторы механизмы параллельной структуры технологические роботы тренажеры
Measuring Equipment
I. Surkov, A. Burtovaya
Hardware and software methodological support for coordinate measurement of precision parts and tools This paper gives a description of the developed coordinate measuring software. The questions ofincreasing the degree of automation of processes planning of inspection technologies, are described.
Hardware and software methodological support for coordinate measurement of precision parts and tools This paper gives a description of the developed coordinate measuring software. The questions ofincreasing the degree of automation of processes planning of inspection technologies, are described.
Tags: coordinate measuring software; coordinate measurement methodolog конструкторско-метрологическая модель детали конструкторско-метрологический элемент координатно-измерительные машины и системы методика координатных измерений программное обеспечение для координатных измерений
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