Exhibitions, conferences, events
Problems and Solutions
V. Grinberg, O. Kazantseva
New standards in the sphere of the state defense order and the practice of their application “Rosoboronexport” JSC held a joint meeting of the State Duma Commission on the legal support for the development of defense industry organizations and the Defense Industry Committee of the League of Assistance to the Defense Enterprises, under the chairmanship of the head of the commission, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and entrepreneurship
Vladimir Gutenev.
New standards in the sphere of the state defense order and the practice of their application “Rosoboronexport” JSC held a joint meeting of the State Duma Commission on the legal support for the development of defense industry organizations and the Defense Industry Committee of the League of Assistance to the Defense Enterprises, under the chairmanship of the head of the commission, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and entrepreneurship
Vladimir Gutenev.
Russian academy of sciences – to machinetool industry
November 24, 2017 the A.A. Blagonravov Institute of Engineering Science (IMASh), RAS held an innovationoriented conference "Scientific problems of machinetool construction. The progress of the “Comprehensive Research plans” "Development of the scientific foundations of innovative technologies in machine tool building".
Materials Machine Tools
N. Yudenkov
Trends of world machinery development The article presents the review of novelties of the world machine-tool industry on the results of several largest specialized exhibitions – EMO-2015 (Italy), JIMTOF-2016 (Japan) and EMO-2017 (Germany).
Trends of world machinery development The article presents the review of novelties of the world machine-tool industry on the results of several largest specialized exhibitions – EMO-2015 (Italy), JIMTOF-2016 (Japan) and EMO-2017 (Germany).
Tags: additive technologies industry 4.0 multitasking machines software unmanned technologies аддитивные технологии безлюдные технологии «индустрия 4.0» многозадачные станки программное обеспечение
J. Chekavinskaya
Decrease of processing cost on the milling machine The article considers the experience of the Ivanovo machine-building plant to reduce the prime cost of parts processing on a milling machine after modernization.
Decrease of processing cost on the milling machine The article considers the experience of the Ivanovo machine-building plant to reduce the prime cost of parts processing on a milling machine after modernization.
Materials processing technologies
A. Maslov, A. Mamotko
Improvement of drilling performance of helicopter highspeed screws made of highstrengthened layer polymer composites The article proposes a method for increasing the productivity of defect-free drilling of holes in the parts made of high-strengthened layer polymer composites, based on the filling of fillers with free space of blank. As fillers the bars of aluminum D16T alloy and hard compound are used.
Improvement of drilling performance of helicopter highspeed screws made of highstrengthened layer polymer composites The article proposes a method for increasing the productivity of defect-free drilling of holes in the parts made of high-strengthened layer polymer composites, based on the filling of fillers with free space of blank. As fillers the bars of aluminum D16T alloy and hard compound are used.
Tags: composite defect drilling high-strength polymer productivity высокопрочный дефект композит полимерный производительность сверление
S.Tkachenko, V.Krivitsky, Y.Muravyev, G.Colody
Revival of shaping technology in machinebuilding based on inorganic components The article gives a historical retrospective of the development of the technology of making molds and rods made of liquid self-hardening mixtures and coldhardening mixtures. It shows the advantages and prospects of using liquid self-hardening mixtures in machinetool construction. The article confirms the prospect of using the previously developed "Foscon process" for resource saving and increasing the efficiency of foundry.
Revival of shaping technology in machinebuilding based on inorganic components The article gives a historical retrospective of the development of the technology of making molds and rods made of liquid self-hardening mixtures and coldhardening mixtures. It shows the advantages and prospects of using liquid self-hardening mixtures in machinetool construction. The article confirms the prospect of using the previously developed "Foscon process" for resource saving and increasing the efficiency of foundry.
Tags: aluminoborphosphate molding mixture co2-process co2-процесс foskon process foundry liquid self-hardening mixtures molds and rods production алюмоборфосфатная формовочная смесь жидкие самотвердеющие смеси изготовление форм и стержней литейное производство фоскон-процесс
Information Technologies
I. Zinina
Electronic handbook of materials and assortaments on the Semantic MDM platform The article considers the main aspects of the application of the electronic reference book "Materials and Assortments" as part of the management system of Semantic MDM™ reference information, and in integration with various CAD-systems.
Electronic handbook of materials and assortaments on the Semantic MDM platform The article considers the main aspects of the application of the electronic reference book "Materials and Assortments" as part of the management system of Semantic MDM™ reference information, and in integration with various CAD-systems.
Tags: assortment cad-system cad-система classifier material size классификатор материал сортамент типоразмер
Modern tool lubrication systems from SKF conpany
The article considers various types of automatic centralized lubrication systems. It gives the examples of the optimal selection of the lubrication system and pumping stations type for various machine units and used lubricants.
Tags: centralized lubrication system lubricant oil air lubrication system pump station rolling bearing масловоздушная система смазки насосная станция подшипник качения смазочный материал централизованная система смазки
Measuring Equipment
M. Kovalsky
Metrology in digital production The article considers various aspects of the importance of developing metrological support in the process of implementing the concept of the fourth industrial revolution - the ideology of "Industry 4.0". Metrology acquires special significance in conjunction with digital production. It is shown that metrology is the basis of competitiveness and industrial safety of the national economy.
Metrology in digital production The article considers various aspects of the importance of developing metrological support in the process of implementing the concept of the fourth industrial revolution - the ideology of "Industry 4.0". Metrology acquires special significance in conjunction with digital production. It is shown that metrology is the basis of competitiveness and industrial safety of the national economy.
Tags: accuracy additive production coordinate measuring machine digital production industry 4.0 interferometer laser scanning precision projection photogrammetry аддитивное производство лазерное сканирование «индустрия 4.0» интерферометр координатно-измерительная машина прецизионность проекционная фотограмметрия точность цифровое производство
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