Success Story
Column of Minpromtorg
Industrial Robotics
A. V. Akimov
Industrial Robots in the World: Leading Countries and Companies DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Considered are the basic tendencies in application trend of the industrial robots by branches, countries and regions. The review of the basic companies-manufacturers of the industrial robots is presented.
Industrial Robots in the World: Leading Countries and Companies DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Considered are the basic tendencies in application trend of the industrial robots by branches, countries and regions. The review of the basic companies-manufacturers of the industrial robots is presented.
Tags: industrial equipment efficiency industrial robots robotics fleet парк робототехники промышленные роботы эффективность промышленного оборудования
M. V. Vartanov , Nguyen Van Linh, Nguyen Van Dung
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Search Strategies in Robotic Assembly DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Technological capabilities of industrial robots in assembly production based on the means of passive and active adaptation are shown.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Search Strategies in Robotic Assembly DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Technological capabilities of industrial robots in assembly production based on the means of passive and active adaptation are shown.
Tags: 2d and 3d search methods industrial robots robotic assembly operations search strategies методы 2d- и 3d-поиска промышленные роботы роботизированные сборочные операции стратегии поиска
I. L. Ermolov, M. M. Kniazkov, E. A. Semenov, A. N. Sukhanov
Adaptation of Technological Equipment for Use on a Mobile Vertical Motion Robotics Complex (VMC) Designed to Operate on Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces of Oil and Gas Reservoirs DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Considered the mobile robotic technological complex capable to move over the arbitrary slope surfaces and perform inspection, diagnostic, preventive and other routine technological operations. On its basis the technological equipment for perform the technological control the oil and gas storages surfaces and carrying out a number of technological operations has been created.
Adaptation of Technological Equipment for Use on a Mobile Vertical Motion Robotics Complex (VMC) Designed to Operate on Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces of Oil and Gas Reservoirs DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Considered the mobile robotic technological complex capable to move over the arbitrary slope surfaces and perform inspection, diagnostic, preventive and other routine technological operations. On its basis the technological equipment for perform the technological control the oil and gas storages surfaces and carrying out a number of technological operations has been created.
Tags: modular structure multifunctional diagnostic system robotic technological complex technological control многофункциональная система диагностики модульная структура робототехнический технологический комплекс технологический контроль
Industry News
Exhibitions, conferences, events
Materials Machine Tools
M. V. Vartanov, O. M. Shkoda
Methodological Basis for the Selection of CNC Machines in Multi-Subject Production DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
A brief analysis of existing methods of selecting process equipment in mechanical engineering and their shortcomings arising when using CNC machines is shown.Calculated the required number of CNC machines and plan the technological system on a base of PJSC "RUSIN" shop operation analysis.
Methodological Basis for the Selection of CNC Machines in Multi-Subject Production DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
A brief analysis of existing methods of selecting process equipment in mechanical engineering and their shortcomings arising when using CNC machines is shown.Calculated the required number of CNC machines and plan the technological system on a base of PJSC "RUSIN" shop operation analysis.
Tags: calculation of equipment quantity effective time fund machine-building production technological complex машиностроительное производство расчет количества оборудования технологический комплекс эффективный фонд времени
Tools and Tool Systems
L. V. Polovneva, V. P. Chuev
Improving Wear Resistance of Rotating Medical Diamond Tools by Modifying the Cutting Surface DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Improved technique of dental bur production with hardened operational characteristics is suggested, with addition of electrochemical etching step of applied working layer and introduction of hardening framework layer of abrasive into the technology, which gives significant advantage in performance in comparison with the standard dental bur.
Improving Wear Resistance of Rotating Medical Diamond Tools by Modifying the Cutting Surface DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Improved technique of dental bur production with hardened operational characteristics is suggested, with addition of electrochemical etching step of applied working layer and introduction of hardening framework layer of abrasive into the technology, which gives significant advantage in performance in comparison with the standard dental bur.
Tags: hybrid diamond tools medical rotary tools metal bond modified metal bond wear resistance гибридный алмазный инструмент износостойкость медицинский вращающийся инструмент металлическая связка модифицированная металлическая связка
Measuring Equipment
И. V. Ivanina, A. E. Dreval
Chip Distribution in Tap Grooves while Tapping Metric Threads DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
The dependence of cut layer volume distribution between cutting teeth of a tap on the constructive and geometrical parameters of the tool cutting part is obtained in the analytical form. It is established that increase of errors of angular pitch between the teeth of a tap resulting from tool manufacturing and resharpening leads to essential redistribution of the allowance volume, falling on the cutting teeth of the tool. It is shown that approximate equal distribution of the allowance is ensured at a uniform angular pitch between the teeth of the tap; in this case, the nature of the load distribution between the cutting teeth depends not only on the angular pitch errors but also on the order in which the cutting teeth are set into operation.
Chip Distribution in Tap Grooves while Tapping Metric Threads DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
The dependence of cut layer volume distribution between cutting teeth of a tap on the constructive and geometrical parameters of the tool cutting part is obtained in the analytical form. It is established that increase of errors of angular pitch between the teeth of a tap resulting from tool manufacturing and resharpening leads to essential redistribution of the allowance volume, falling on the cutting teeth of the tool. It is shown that approximate equal distribution of the allowance is ensured at a uniform angular pitch between the teeth of the tap; in this case, the nature of the load distribution between the cutting teeth depends not only on the angular pitch errors but also on the order in which the cutting teeth are set into operation.
Tags: angular pitch error between teeth chip distribution in grooves tap thread cutting volume of cut chips метчик объем срезаемой стружки погрешность углового шага между зубьями распределение стружки в канавках резьбонарезание
Looking Back
N. P. Yudenkov
Catch up and Overtake. Machine Tool Building in the USSR in the Context of Sanctions DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Catch up and Overtake. Machine Tool Building in the USSR in the Context of Sanctions DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.