Column of Minpromtorg
Industry News
Exhibitions, conferences, events
Development of the Domestic Machine Tool Industry Under Sanctions: Challenges and Opportunities
DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
Problems and Solutions
G. V. Samodurov, D. V. Lakhtyukhov
Russia Machine Tool Industry in 2023: Figures and Facts DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The analysis of the main economic indicators and development trends of the machine-tool industry of the Russian Federation on the basis of statistical information collected and processed by the Association of manufacturers of machine-tool products “Stankoinstrument” is presented.
Russia Machine Tool Industry in 2023: Figures and Facts DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The analysis of the main economic indicators and development trends of the machine-tool industry of the Russian Federation on the basis of statistical information collected and processed by the Association of manufacturers of machine-tool products “Stankoinstrument” is presented.
Tags: economic indicators export import and consumption of metalworking machine tools and forging machine-tool industry production импорт и потребление металлообрабатывающих станков и кпо производство станкоинструментальная отрасль экономические показатели экспорт
Materials Machine Tools
A. P. Kuznetsov
Technological Sovereignty in the Machine Tool Industry. State and Development DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
Based on the analysis of works and regulatory documents devoted to the problems of achieving technological sovereignty, the author presents a system of definitions of basic and related concepts. The formation methodology of generalised indicators estimations of technological sovereignty, technological independence and security is offered.
Technological Sovereignty in the Machine Tool Industry. State and Development DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
Based on the analysis of works and regulatory documents devoted to the problems of achieving technological sovereignty, the author presents a system of definitions of basic and related concepts. The formation methodology of generalised indicators estimations of technological sovereignty, technological independence and security is offered.
Tags: localisation machine tool industry technological breakthrough technological independence technological safety technological sovereignty локализация станкоинструментальная отрасль технологическая безопасность технологическая независимость технологический прорыв технологический суверенитет
Machine Science
А. A. Romanov, L. V. Gavrilina, M. V. Glazunov, S. M. Demidov, R. A. Chernetsov
Towards the Analysis of Dynamic Properties of a Parallel Structure Robot with Constant Output Link Orientation DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The mechanism of parallel structure of a robot is considered, which is designed to realise translational movements of the output link used in various technological systems. The kinematic structure providing the specified motions contains a linear drive and two Hooke joints (cardan joint, universal joint) in each kinematic chain, which makes it possible to exclude all rotational motions. The problem of dynamic analysis of the said mechanism is solved when only one coordinate motion is required.
Towards the Analysis of Dynamic Properties of a Parallel Structure Robot with Constant Output Link Orientation DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The mechanism of parallel structure of a robot is considered, which is designed to realise translational movements of the output link used in various technological systems. The kinematic structure providing the specified motions contains a linear drive and two Hooke joints (cardan joint, universal joint) in each kinematic chain, which makes it possible to exclude all rotational motions. The problem of dynamic analysis of the said mechanism is solved when only one coordinate motion is required.
Tags: dynamic analysis parallel structure mechanism technological robotic system динамический анализ механизм параллельной структуры технологическая робототехническая система
Tools and Tool Systems
KT SENSORS – We Realise Our Social Responsibility!
Interview with Vasily Kravchenko, general director of KT Sensors
DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
A. I. Sandler
Geometry of Contact and Technological Aspects of Relieving of Gear Cutting Worm Hobs. Part 2. Determination of the Parameters of the Axial Profile of the Grinding Wheel When Relieving DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The technological aspects of the process of grinding the side surfaces of the teeth of a gear-cutting worm hob are considered, such as: profiling of the grinding wheel and ensuring the processing of the full profile of the surface to be ground. The functional dependences of the calculation of the axial profiles of the working surfaces of the grinding wheel for processing each of the sides of the teeth of a gear-cutting worm hob are determined, depending on the setting of the angle of inclination of the axis of grinding wheel. The conditions for excluding underprofiling of the ground surface of the teeth are determined.
Geometry of Contact and Technological Aspects of Relieving of Gear Cutting Worm Hobs. Part 2. Determination of the Parameters of the Axial Profile of the Grinding Wheel When Relieving DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The technological aspects of the process of grinding the side surfaces of the teeth of a gear-cutting worm hob are considered, such as: profiling of the grinding wheel and ensuring the processing of the full profile of the surface to be ground. The functional dependences of the calculation of the axial profiles of the working surfaces of the grinding wheel for processing each of the sides of the teeth of a gear-cutting worm hob are determined, depending on the setting of the angle of inclination of the axis of grinding wheel. The conditions for excluding underprofiling of the ground surface of the teeth are determined.
Tags: contact lines curvature curvature radii grinding wheel profiling involute helical surface radial relieving relieving machine tooth flanks of hobs боковые поверхности зубьев червячных фрез кривизна линии контакта профилирование шлифовального круга радиальное затылование радиусы кривизны шлифовально-затыловочный станок эвольвентная винтовая поверхность
Standardization and Certification
L. P. Tolstykh, S. M. Gora, N. K. Medvedev, V. K. Medvedev
The Organisation of Maintenance and Repair of Machine-Tool Park of the Enterprise in the Format “By Technical Condition” DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The transition methodology from maintenance and repair “according to regulations” to maintenance and repair “according to technical condition” (TC) is proposed. The development of a set of national standards related to the functioning of the TC system for development of the normative-technical base of the transition is considered.
The Organisation of Maintenance and Repair of Machine-Tool Park of the Enterprise in the Format “By Technical Condition” DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2024.
The transition methodology from maintenance and repair “according to regulations” to maintenance and repair “according to technical condition” (TC) is proposed. The development of a set of national standards related to the functioning of the TC system for development of the normative-technical base of the transition is considered.
Tags: assessment of the technical condition of the machine park digital twin of the enterprise's machine park machine park maintenance and repair set of national standards on the problem of tc комплекс национальных стандартов по проблеме тоир-тс оценка технического состояния станочного парка станочный парк техническое обслуживание и ремонт цифровой двойник станочного парка предприятия