Column of Minpromtorg
O. S. Sukharev
Types and Instruments of Industrial Policy: Competitive Strategies DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The paper examines the types of industrial policy and the instruments for its implementation. The emphasis is on the implementation of technological renewal and typologies of policy types by object and by methods of implementation, as well as by technological structures. A method for measuring the industrialization/deindustrialization level of the economy is presented. Proposals for industrial policy implementation for Russia are given with a list of possible measures.
Types and Instruments of Industrial Policy: Competitive Strategies DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The paper examines the types of industrial policy and the instruments for its implementation. The emphasis is on the implementation of technological renewal and typologies of policy types by object and by methods of implementation, as well as by technological structures. A method for measuring the industrialization/deindustrialization level of the economy is presented. Proposals for industrial policy implementation for Russia are given with a list of possible measures.
Tags: competitive strategies deindustrialization industrialization industrial policy technological development technological dualism деиндустриализация индустриализация конкурентные стратегии промышленная политика технологический дуализм технологическое развитие
Materials processing technologies
A. M. Dmitriev, N. V. Korobova
Cold Forming in a Die With Punch Rotation of High-Density Discs Made of iron-Based Powders DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The scope of application of parts made of powder steels is considered. It is shown that alloying iron powders to convert them during sintering into steel is advisable only if the high density of the molded powder parts is ensured. The research conducted on a specially created die to increase density of molded powder discs by turning the die punch and making shifts inside the powder blank is described.
Cold Forming in a Die With Punch Rotation of High-Density Discs Made of iron-Based Powders DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The scope of application of parts made of powder steels is considered. It is shown that alloying iron powders to convert them during sintering into steel is advisable only if the high density of the molded powder parts is ensured. The research conducted on a specially created die to increase density of molded powder discs by turning the die punch and making shifts inside the powder blank is described.
Tags: density increase disc-type parts powder blanks shear seal stamps with a non-self-braking screw pair детали типа дисков заготовки порошковые повышение плотности уплотнение со сдвигами штампы с несамотормозящей винтовой парой
V. V. Abramov, Yu. P. Rakunov
Technique for Studying the Process of Commissioning Microprojections on Contact Surfaces and the Kinetics of Contact Interaction Between Heterogeneous Materials DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
A technique has been developed for studying contact interaction between dissimilar materials under thermal deformation effects over time. Kinetic curves of contact formation, plastic deformation of microprotrusions, height of microprotrusions, changes in contact stresses on microprotrusions, changes in mechanical properties on the surface and depth of the near-contact volume of microprotrusions from room to pre-melting temperatures and a pressure range before and after threshold values were constructed. The nature of crushing and kinetics of contact interaction between dissimilar materials with sharply different resistance to plastic deformation and the nature of the chemical bond under thermal deformation are considered.
Technique for Studying the Process of Commissioning Microprojections on Contact Surfaces and the Kinetics of Contact Interaction Between Heterogeneous Materials DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
A technique has been developed for studying contact interaction between dissimilar materials under thermal deformation effects over time. Kinetic curves of contact formation, plastic deformation of microprotrusions, height of microprotrusions, changes in contact stresses on microprotrusions, changes in mechanical properties on the surface and depth of the near-contact volume of microprotrusions from room to pre-melting temperatures and a pressure range before and after threshold values were constructed. The nature of crushing and kinetics of contact interaction between dissimilar materials with sharply different resistance to plastic deformation and the nature of the chemical bond under thermal deformation are considered.
Tags: actual and physical contact character of microprotrusion collapse contact interaction kinetics microstresses of the 2nd type plastic deformation research methodology sapphire setting smoothing выглаживание действительный и физический контакт кинетика контактное взаимодействие методика исследования микронапряжения 2 го рода пластическая деформация сапфир схватывание характер смятия микровыступов
V. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Tregubov, A. V. Golobokov, A. Yu. Prokopyev
Ensuring the Quality of Abrasive Processing of Instrument Bearing Parts During Plunge Grinding Based on the Selection of Optimal Cutting Modes DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The analysis of dependences of roughness parameters, deviation from circularity and waviness on machining modes for external plunge grinding of billets from 110H18М-SHD, 95H18-SH, 40HNUU-VI alloys is carried out. It has been established that the development of the direction of improving the instrument bearing parts quality by optimising the modes of abrasive blasting requires further research. Technological recommendations for quality assurance of abrasive machining of the outer surface of instrument bearing rings are proposed.
Ensuring the Quality of Abrasive Processing of Instrument Bearing Parts During Plunge Grinding Based on the Selection of Optimal Cutting Modes DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The analysis of dependences of roughness parameters, deviation from circularity and waviness on machining modes for external plunge grinding of billets from 110H18М-SHD, 95H18-SH, 40HNUU-VI alloys is carried out. It has been established that the development of the direction of improving the instrument bearing parts quality by optimising the modes of abrasive blasting requires further research. Technological recommendations for quality assurance of abrasive machining of the outer surface of instrument bearing rings are proposed.
Tags: abrasive treatment feed amount grinding depth grinding speed mortise grinding out of roundness roughness undulation абразивная обработка величина подачи волнистость врезное шлифование глубина шлифования отклонение от круглости приборные подшипники скорость шлифования шероховатость
Tools and Tool Systems
A. I. Kovalev, E. P. Konovalov, V. O. Vakhrushev, D. L. Weinstein, S. A. Dmitrievsky
Wear of High Entropy (HEC) Ion-Plasma (AlCrZrTiTa)N Coating Under High-Speed Dry Cutting DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
Experiments on dry high-speed cutting of a cutting plate with a high-entropy ion-plasma coating based on (AlCrZrTiTa)N with a thickness of about 3.0 μm have been carried out (It was performed during the 130 m run-in phase and after cutting for 260 m). It is shown that tribological adaptation of the coating from high-entropy nitride with amorphous-nanocrystalline structure under conditions of high-speed dry cutting is a non-equilibrium process and includes partial oxidation of nitride fragments and dynamic competitive formation of protective films of triboxides with thermal barrier and antifriction properties from the very initial stages of cutting.
Wear of High Entropy (HEC) Ion-Plasma (AlCrZrTiTa)N Coating Under High-Speed Dry Cutting DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
Experiments on dry high-speed cutting of a cutting plate with a high-entropy ion-plasma coating based on (AlCrZrTiTa)N with a thickness of about 3.0 μm have been carried out (It was performed during the 130 m run-in phase and after cutting for 260 m). It is shown that tribological adaptation of the coating from high-entropy nitride with amorphous-nanocrystalline structure under conditions of high-speed dry cutting is a non-equilibrium process and includes partial oxidation of nitride fragments and dynamic competitive formation of protective films of triboxides with thermal barrier and antifriction properties from the very initial stages of cutting.
Tags: auger microscopy high-entropy nitride coating high-speed dry cutting hreelfs raman spectroscopy tribo-oxidation высокоскоростное сухое резание высокоэнтропийное нитридное покрытие оже-микроскопия рамановская спектрокопия трибоокисление
A. R. Maslov
Automated Tooling Systems for Digital Production DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The main types of information support of digital production (DP) by tool, which ensure the effective operation of DP, are presented. The list of tasks of the tool support system is considered, as well as the structure diagram of the functions of the tool support system. The algorithm of the analogue method of tool selection is also presented. The importance of a common language for inter-system communications on the basis of the international standard ISO 13399 is substantiated.
Automated Tooling Systems for Digital Production DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2025.
The main types of information support of digital production (DP) by tool, which ensure the effective operation of DP, are presented. The list of tasks of the tool support system is considered, as well as the structure diagram of the functions of the tool support system. The algorithm of the analogue method of tool selection is also presented. The importance of a common language for inter-system communications on the basis of the international standard ISO 13399 is substantiated.
Tags: digital production information model technological system tooling system информационная модель система инструментального обеспечения технологическая система цифровое производство