Issue #3/2022
I. L. Ermolov, M. M. Kniazkov, E. A. Semenov, A. N. Sukhanov
Adaptation of Technological Equipment for Use on a Mobile Vertical Motion Robotics Complex (VMC) Designed to Operate on Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Adaptation of Technological Equipment for Use on a Mobile Vertical Motion Robotics Complex (VMC) Designed to Operate on Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
DOI: 10.22184/2499-9407.2022.
Considered the mobile robotic technological complex capable to move over the arbitrary slope surfaces and perform inspection, diagnostic, preventive and other routine technological operations. On its basis the technological equipment for perform the technological control the oil and gas storages surfaces and carrying out a number of technological operations has been created.
Considered the mobile robotic technological complex capable to move over the arbitrary slope surfaces and perform inspection, diagnostic, preventive and other routine technological operations. On its basis the technological equipment for perform the technological control the oil and gas storages surfaces and carrying out a number of technological operations has been created.
Теги: modular structure multifunctional diagnostic system robotic technological complex technological control многофункциональная система диагностики модульная структура робототехнический технологический комплекс технологический контроль
Adaptation of Technological Equipment for Use on a Mobile Vertical Motion Robotics Complex (VMC) Designed to Operate on Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
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